Awakening Within the Mystical Heart
A marinade of mindfulness meditation, story telling, movement and my top 3 natural medicines for Spiritual work.

Awakening Within the Mystical Heart
A marinade of mindfulness meditation, story telling, movement and my top 3 natural medicines for Spiritual work.
When: Saturday, 12:30 PM (1.5 hrs (90 min))
Room: COM: Haro
The intention for this class is to inspire to remain open to the beauty that we are all Spiritual Beings having a human experience. Each of us is going through our own personal journey with infinite processes. What we share is the same yearning for awakening. All the spiritual traditions of the world offer hope, inspiration and guidance.
Kindly allow me to share with you some of my sacred experiences that led me to know the depths of my mystical heart. From this space, infinite wisdom and love resides.
I’ve worked with great master teachers of Pneuma, Buddhism, Esoteric Acupuncture, Herbal Plant Medicines and more. These teachings have shaped the foundational philosophies that I live by.
We will meditate, be inspired by music, share laughter and perhaps a few tears of joy.
Spiritual INNER WORK, INTUITION and the loving VIRTUES are our guides to a conscious and beautiful life.
Participants Need
Please bring an OPEN HEART and an OPEN MIND.Presented by:
Dr. Tanya Gee
Dr.Tanya Gee is a veteran Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with over 24 years of practice. She is dedicated to the principles of Service, Devotion, Compassion and Love. Best described as a storytelling intuitive doctor of TCM who laughs out loud every day and inspires everyone to be the most optimal version of themselves. Dr.Gee is also a worldwide lecturer/educator, philanthropist, Canadian coordinator and active Board Member for Pneuma Institute Foundation: a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of ancient wisdom of the Q'ero Holy people of Peru and the Tibetan Buddhists residing in India. ." ... May all beings be happy, May all beings be joyful, May all beings be peaceful. ~ Buddha ~ "