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All Levels - Movement
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All Levels: Ayurveda/TCM
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Saturday Morning Gratitude Walk An intentional & contemplative walk through UVic's Mystic Vale
(All Levels: Movement)
Linda Hunter
Saturday Morning Gratitude Walk
Walking the Labyrinth A meditative pathway
(All Levels: Workshop)
Renee Lindstrom
Walking the Labyrinth
That Which Lasts - Leaving our Legacy A workshop that invites you to contemplate the life you are living and the legacy you want to leave
(All Levels: Workshop)
Linda Hunter
That Which Lasts - Leaving our Legacy
Friday Night Kirtan
(All Levels: Workshop)
Bhavantu Sound & Friends
Friday Night Kirtan
Power of Joy Finding Purpose with Passion
(All Levels: Movement)
Jay Suttonbrown
Power of Joy
Heart Above, Head Below Inversions for everyone
Basha Nemeskeri
Heart Above, Head Below
Devotion, Ritual, and Reverance Dive deep into the Bhakti Sutras
(All Levels: Workshop)
Farah Nazarali
Devotion, Ritual, and Reverance
Tai Chi (Taijiquan) Harmonizing Yin & Yang
(All Levels: Movement)
Gabriel Shaw
Tai Chi (Taijiquan)
Inspired Seeds
(All Levels: Workshop)
Tamara Maxim
Inspired Seeds
Depth & Discernment Come into conversation with truth, contradiction and recalibrate what 'living' looks like.
(All Levels: Workshop)
Sherrice Kirby
Depth & Discernment
Soul in a Bowl a community meal
Carolyne Taylor
Soul in a Bowl
Intention + Impact
Shayla Stonechild
Intention + Impact
Introduction to Somatic Yoga for Yoga Teachers Learn and experience how Somatic Yoga can easily be incorporated into your teaching practice.
(Teachers Only)
Andrew Teufel
Violet Reynolds
Introduction to Somatic Yoga for Yoga Teachers
OPTIMIZING IMMUNITY with Traditional Chinese Medicine It's easier to PREVENT disease than to TREAT disease: STAY HEALTHY and HAPPY!
(All Levels: Ayurveda/TCM)
Dr. Tanya Gee
OPTIMIZING IMMUNITY with Traditional Chinese Medicine
Meditate to Elevate Forklift Your Experience
(All Levels: YIN/Restorative/Nidra/Meditation)
Jay Suttonbrown
Meditate to Elevate
Less Is More Somatic Yoga Gentle somatic explorations for awareness, meditation, and pain relief.
(All Levels: Movement)
Andrew Teufel
Violet Reynolds
Less Is More Somatic Yoga
Awakening Within the Mystical Heart A marinade of mindfulness meditation, story telling, movement and my top 3 natural medicines for Spiritual work.
(All Levels: YIN/Restorative/Nidra/Meditation)
Dr. Tanya Gee
Awakening Within the Mystical Heart
Plants & Dance • Rose Ceremony ❤ Dance with the Spirit of The Rose ❤
(All Levels: Movement)
Christy Greenwood
Plants & Dance • Rose Ceremony
Yoga for Pelvic Health A Yoga Therapy informed class
(All Levels: Movement)
Regina Pfeifer
Yoga for Pelvic Health
LEVITYoGA Intuition, Balance, and Connection
(All Levels: Movement)
Peter Sterios
Acknowledging the Foundation
(All Levels: Movement)
Shayla Stonechild
Acknowledging the Foundation
Head to Toe Yin Yoga A full body Yin Yoga practice
(All Levels: YIN/Restorative/Nidra/Meditation)
Nyk Danu
Head to Toe Yin Yoga
Modernity & Breath Medicine Breathwork/Pranayama and Kundalini for Everyday Folks
(All Levels: Workshop)
Julia McCabe
Modernity & Breath Medicine
GRAVITY & GRACE Tools to Rewire Your Subtle Body
(All Levels: Movement)
Peter Sterios
Ambition Meets Inner Peace The Desire Map Masterclass: A heart-centered approach to manifesting a handcrafted life you love
(All Levels: Workshop)
AnnMarie McKenzie
Ambition Meets Inner Peace
Intentional Evolution Leading a Practice with Purpose, Poise + Precision
(Teachers Only)
Fiji McAlpine
Mary Prefontaine
Intentional Evolution
Yes Day! Acknowledging & Celebrating our Grief Anniversaries Through Movement
(All Levels: Movement)
Basha Nemeskeri
Yes Day!
Frameworks for Change Coaching Session An interactive session focused on reflecting on challenges and opportunities and pinpointing factors and resources that impact it.
(All Levels: Workshop)
Susan Kleinschmidt
Frameworks for Change Coaching Session
Yoga While the Oatmeal Cooks Studio Partner Sampler Class
(All Levels: Movement)
Michelle Schroeder
Pilar Munoz
Katie Thacker
Guy Friswell
Yoga While the Oatmeal Cooks
Transcendent Scents of the Five Fire Realms An Ecstatic Aroma Journey of Transformation
(All Levels: Ayurveda/TCM)
Glynnis Osher
Transcendent Scents of the Five Fire Realms
TRUST your INTUITION Is it FEAR? or is it INTUITION? get to know the difference and trust your HEART!
(All Levels: Workshop)
Dr. Tanya Gee
Understanding Ayurveda Practical Application and Integration
(All Levels: Ayurveda/TCM)
Melanie Phillips
Understanding Ayurveda
Mind Space with Ayurvedic Head Massage Mental Renewal from the Sacred Ayurvedic Wisdom Practices
(All Levels: Ayurveda/TCM)
Glynnis Osher
Mind Space with Ayurvedic Head Massage
Vinyasa Level 3/4 An advanced vinyasa practice.
Katie Thacker
Vinyasa Level 3/4
Conference Opening
(All Levels: Movement)
Carolyne Taylor
Shayla Stonechild
Carly Greene Hill
Tracy Boyd
Conference Opening
So You Think You Can Teach Yin… (Hint) 'it's not just regular yoga with longer holds'
(Teachers Only)
Nyk Danu
So You Think You Can Teach Yin…
This is a Poetry Workshop
(All Levels: Workshop)
Carly Greene Hill
This is a Poetry Workshop
Release & Rewire for Resiliency
(All Levels: Movement)
Shayla Stonechild
Release & Rewire for Resiliency
Sacred 5 Element Healing Ceremony for Powerful Transformation
(All Levels: Ayurveda/TCM)
Melanie Phillips
Sacred 5 Element Healing Ceremony for Powerful Transformation
Yoga While the Oatmeal Cooks Studio Partner Sampler Class
(All Levels: Movement)
Kimber Allan
Tracy Boyd
Nicole Lee Ann McLellan
Siri Amir Kaur (Alanda Carver)
Nikki Lock
Yoga While the Oatmeal Cooks
The Endocrine System and the Esoteric Mapping of the Chakras The science behind the feel-good factor of yoga
(All Levels: Movement)
Julia McCabe
The Endocrine System and the Esoteric Mapping of the Chakras
What in the World is Kundalini Yoga? and Why it is AWESOME!
(All Levels: Movement)
Jay Suttonbrown
What in the World is Kundalini Yoga?
Family Yoga Journey to the Ocean
(All Levels: Movement)
Nikki Lock
Family Yoga
How To Live Your Yoga Take Yoga Off The Mat
(All Levels: Workshop)
Rachel Scott
How To Live Your Yoga
Vitamin Yin 2.0 Yin, massage, yoga nidra
(All Levels: YIN/Restorative/Nidra/Meditation)
Katie Thacker
Brandon Sherbrook
Vitamin Yin 2.0
Yoga for All? Opportunities and Obstacles a conversation about what yoga can offer as well as what the barriers might be for those who have experienced trauma
(All Levels: Workshop)
Renee Turner
Sarah Holmes de Castro
Yoga for All? Opportunities and Obstacles
Life is soooo “HEART”! Dedicated to the caring and nurturing of your SPIRITUAL, EMOTIONAL and PHYSICAL HEART.
(All Levels: Ayurveda/TCM)
Dr. Tanya Gee
Life is soooo “HEART”!
PranaYUMM Conscious Breath Practices & How To Apply Them to Daily Life
(All Levels: YIN/Restorative/Nidra/Meditation)
Basha Nemeskeri
Yoga for Healthy Aging Nourish Your Body, Mind and Spirit
(All Levels: Movement)
Agi Mallory
Yoga for Healthy Aging
How To Lead Transformational Workshops and Teacher Trainings The Essentials of Creation and Facilitation
(Teachers Only)
Rachel Scott
How To Lead Transformational Workshops and Teacher Trainings
Yoga Therapy for Back Pain A balancing practice to release and stregthen the back. Suitable for people with back and neck pain.
(All Levels: Movement)
Jules Payne
Yoga Therapy for Back Pain
Chinese Medical Qigong Breathwork from Traditional Practices and Acupuncture Theory
(All Levels: Movement)
Gabriel Shaw
Chinese Medical Qigong
Ayurvedic and Yogic Approach to Transforming Stress and Anxiety Calming and containing vata dosha
(All Levels: Ayurveda/TCM)
Melanie Phillips
Ayurvedic and Yogic Approach to Transforming Stress and Anxiety
The Heart in Conflict Yogic Practices to Shift from Mind to Heart
(All Levels: Movement)
Farah Nazarali
The Heart in Conflict
(All Levels: Movement)
Linda Hunter
Sunday Morning Gratitude Walk
Vision Board
(All Levels: Workshop)
Alexandra Van Tol
Vision Board
Acro FUNdamentals Learn the basics of acro yoga. No partner required.
(All Levels: Movement)
Katie Thacker
Brandon Sherbrook
Acro FUNdamentals
YOGA FOR LONGEVITY Lightness of Heart, Power to Heal
(All Levels: YIN/Restorative/Nidra/Meditation)
Peter Sterios
How To Spice Up Your Cueing Advanced Cueing Techniques For Teachers
(Teachers Only)
Rachel Scott
How To Spice Up Your Cueing
The Sutras: Meditations on Love Weaving the Thread of Love into Yoga Practice
(All Levels: Workshop)
Farah Nazarali
The Sutras: Meditations on Love
WELLBRANDING Your Super Power Discover your Personal Brand from the Inner Wisdom of your Avatar
(All Levels: Ayurveda/TCM)
Glynnis Osher
BELLYFIT® Your Saturday Morning Elevation Station
(All Levels: Movement)
Alice Bracegirdle DJ Rowan Sentesy
Hip-Check A deep, sweaty, therapeutic practice for the hips
Julia McCabe
How To Thrive In Your Yoga Business And Create a Life You Love
(All Levels: Workshop)
Rachel Scott
How To Thrive In Your Yoga Business
What I’ve Been Thinking About A panel of local yogis
(All Levels: Workshop)
David Procyshyn
Nicole Lee Ann McLellan
Noelle Smith
What I’ve Been Thinking About