Ayurvedic and Yogic Approach to Transforming Stress and Anxiety

Calming and containing vata dosha

Ayurvedic and Yogic Approach to Transforming Stress and Anxiety

Calming and containing vata dosha

When: Saturday, 10:00 AM (1.5 hrs (90 min))
  Room: COM: Main Hall 1


This workshop begins by exploring the Yogic and Ayurvedic approach to being with stress and anxiety and regulating your nervous system to restore the natural flow of prana through your energy field. You will learn simple and powerful tools and techniques to ground you and guide you back to a greater sense of connection with your true centre and sense of inner peace.

This workshop is part lecture and part experiential. In the latter part of this class, you will be guided through a gentle yoga practice to calm vata dosha (the Ayurvedic dosha of air + ether), and regulate your nervous system, leaving you feeling balanced and restored.

Participants Need

Pen and paper, blanket for savasana, anything else you need to be comfortable and warm.

Presented by:

Melanie Phillips-VYC Presenter


Melanie Phillips

Melanie Phillips (BFA, E-RYT, CAS) Is a Bestselling author, Yoga Teacher Trainer, Energy Healer, and certified Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist. Having immersed herself in ashram living and study at the Bihar University in India, and having taught yoga since 2000, her embodiment of Ayurveda, yoga, and a multitude of energy modalities has earned her excellence in leadership, teaching, and mentorship for those seeking a way home to their intuitive and brilliant nature.

She's the author of bestselling book, "Living After Loss: A Soulful Guide to Freedom" and co-author of, "Your Irresistible Life: 4 Seasons of Self-care through Ayurveda & Yoga Practices that Work."

Melanie created the Madhuri Method, an Ayurvedic Yoga advanced training for yoga teachers after witnessing the need for yoga to be offered in a way that allows for healing at any age, stage, or level of health. She also offers Inner Mastery Mentorship programs based in Ayurveda, yoga and neuropsychology to facilitate and support healing at the root cause of imbalance—to provide a fresh perspective; integrate the lifestyle changes necessary to achieve great health and provide support and guidance in mindfulness based energy psychology.