Yes Day!
Acknowledging & Celebrating our Grief Anniversaries Through Movement

Yes Day!
Acknowledging & Celebrating our Grief Anniversaries Through Movement
When: Saturday, 2:30 PM (1.5 hrs (90 min))
Room: COM: Queenswood Arbutus
Yes day was created out of a deep sadness that was born from me after having lost my mama too soon. My little ones were so new to the world, and had only shared a few moments with my mum before we gave her up. In a ceremony of honouring and cherishing her we started celebrating YES DAY (Feb 17th) on what would have been her birthday. We share stories, look through pictures, celebrate, and yes, we say YES to every single thing in an effort to create lightness and love on a day that would otherwise be cast in a shadow of sorrow. 8 years later, YES DAY is bigger than any other holiday in our home. We’ve shared it with others, and it helps us all to remember those who have passed, but that we still hold onto so dearly. Creating a ritual that not only honours our ancestors, but celebrates them, has helped bring their energy into the present and into the current of our lives once again. This movement based workshop will help you say YES to everything! We’ll move through some big love creating, heart opening postures that create an internal environment that allows you to feel expansive and connected to all those who your heart strings are attached to!
Participants Need
Blocks, bolsters, eye pillows, and any other tools of comfort that allow you to feel comfortableSingle Session Fee $35.00
This session is available with a single-session pass.
Presented by:
Basha Nemeskeri
Yoga is Basha Nemeskeri’s passion! Her goal is to create an open, safe, loving, environment which enables people to grow. She has been teaching yoga for the last 10 years, and has always been guided to serve and to share her passion with others.
She believes that Yoga is a gift that enables us to never stop learning. She has done almost half a dozen teacher trainings and each one weaves it's teachings into the workshops and classes she offers. Basha will often be heard saying that “Yoga is wonderful because it's a never ending University of YOU! It's magical to see the lessons that are unearthed year after year.” The wisdom that she has collected in these teachings is the same that we ALL have, it's what connects us - We practice yoga to remember this wisdom. Her hope is to help people remember how incredible they were designed to feel!
Basha offers classes in Nanaimo, BC where she lives with her family, as well as in Mexico twice a year.
In addition to Pranayama, her classes & workshops often include nature based, seasonally appropriate movement/ayurvedic wisdom/and anatomically guided challenging postures. You can expect to leave classes feeling peaceful, calm, and courageous.