OPTIMIZING IMMUNITY with Traditional Chinese Medicine
It's easier to PREVENT disease than to TREAT disease: STAY HEALTHY and HAPPY!

OPTIMIZING IMMUNITY with Traditional Chinese Medicine
It's easier to PREVENT disease than to TREAT disease: STAY HEALTHY and HAPPY!
When: Sunday, 8:00 AM (1.5 hrs (90 min))
Room: COM: Campus View
UPDATE!!! for this early morning class, i will be offering a free lottery for my Immune Medicines!
With the latest CORONA VIRUS scare…it’s brought more attention to the importance of OPTIMAL IMMUNE FUNCTION as your GREATEST WEAPON against disease.
A healthy immune system keeps us vital, productive and radiant. Consider it one of our sacred gems of life. However, there are many factors that can negatively and positively effect your IMMUNITY.
~ DEFICIENCY of Qi and Blood
~ AND…much more!
Allow me to share with you my simple wisdom and medical advice to optimize your IMMUNITY and prevent disease.
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ~Hippocrates~
Participants Need
notebook and pen, OR, cell phone to take pics of the slidesSingle Session Fee $35.00
This session is available with a single-session pass.
Presented by:
Dr. Tanya Gee
Dr.Tanya Gee is a veteran Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with over 24 years of practice. She is dedicated to the principles of Service, Devotion, Compassion and Love. Best described as a storytelling intuitive doctor of TCM who laughs out loud every day and inspires everyone to be the most optimal version of themselves. Dr.Gee is also a worldwide lecturer/educator, philanthropist, Canadian coordinator and active Board Member for Pneuma Institute Foundation: a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of ancient wisdom of the Q'ero Holy people of Peru and the Tibetan Buddhists residing in India. ." ... May all beings be happy, May all beings be joyful, May all beings be peaceful. ~ Buddha ~ "