Life is soooo “HEART”!
Dedicated to the caring and nurturing of your SPIRITUAL, EMOTIONAL and PHYSICAL HEART.

Life is soooo “HEART”!
Dedicated to the caring and nurturing of your SPIRITUAL, EMOTIONAL and PHYSICAL HEART.
When: Sunday, 2:30 PM (1.5 hrs (90 min))
Room: COM: Haro
In the spirit of Valentine’s Weekend, the intention of this class is to get to KNOW YOUR HEART!
Consider this class as an OWNERS MANUAL for your heart where we will discuss how to care and nurture your Spiritual, Emotional and Physical HEART.
Yes, there will be inspirational and groovy MUSIC!
Yes, there will most likely be DARK CHOCOLATE as it’s good for your heart.
Yes, I will most likely make you close your eyes and have a little meditation.
Yes, we will discuss the highs and lows of emotions and their impact on our hearts.
Still with me? GREAT! There is more! I will be sharing some of my top herbal remedies to support HEART health and the importance of keeping your HEART CHAKRA open and radiant.
Allow me to entertain you with some personal and mystical experiences that have become the foundation of wisdom that i live by.
My intention is that you leave this class feeling more joy and love than when you arrived.
Presented by:
Dr. Tanya Gee
Dr.Tanya Gee is a veteran Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with over 24 years of practice. She is dedicated to the principles of Service, Devotion, Compassion and Love. Best described as a storytelling intuitive doctor of TCM who laughs out loud every day and inspires everyone to be the most optimal version of themselves. Dr.Gee is also a worldwide lecturer/educator, philanthropist, Canadian coordinator and active Board Member for Pneuma Institute Foundation: a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of ancient wisdom of the Q'ero Holy people of Peru and the Tibetan Buddhists residing in India. ." ... May all beings be happy, May all beings be joyful, May all beings be peaceful. ~ Buddha ~ "