Ann Marie McKenzie understands that life has texture and that people crave, real authentic support during those pivotal moments we all confront. She counsels deeply with emotional literacy, guiding you to create a handcrafted life and that intentionally feels good.
She works with people who are ready to get open about living soulfully and is the go-to experiential Master Desire Map Facilitator, your transformational guide to living and doing business in ways that promote holistic well-being. She believes authentic leadership for one's self is the key to leading people towards a common goal.
Ann Marie offers curated intimate programs for women, men, entrepreneurs, teams, businesses, community, and youth while providing feelings-based experiences that encourage people to get real, get creative, get messy - and get clear.
She has been an essential oil user since 2000 and began integrating doTERRA essential oils into her life and workshops in 2016. Ann Marie believes in the power of using EO's to support our emotional energy bodies creating a positive ripple effect for our physical and mental needs.
Ann Marie will be launching her premium coaching program in 2020 to empower heart-centered entrepreneurs discover their core desired feelings and build a handcrafted business they love without the stress, overwhelm and burn out, even if they don't want to talk about their feelings! The Desire Map for Business - where heart meets hustle.
Sessions with this presenter:
The Desire Map Masterclass: A heart-centered approach to manifesting a handcrafted life you love
The Desire Map, written by best-selling author, Danielle LaPorte, is a heart-centered approach to manifesting and designing a handcrafted life you love.
How do you want to feel when you wake up in the morning?
When you get…
Session Day:
Session Time: 8:00 AM
Session Room: COM: Village Green